Gifts for Essential Workers

The people that make our worlds go round, they take care of our kids, our house and our health.

We have been chatting in stories quite a bit about what the best gifts are to give those essential workers in our life. We often feel so indebted to them because we cannot imagine our life without them and so we want them to feel our appreciation. I have done several polls to hear what they like to receive as gifts, so here it is a post you can save for future reference that rounds up all the feedback I got! I thought we could also use this as an opportunity to thank them ourselves, so please tag any essential worker in the comments below and share a message of appreciation with them (1 comment per person). I will pick 2 comments and send two $100 Amazon gift card to the essential worker you have nominated. Let's spread the love to those we cherish!

Meghan Lambert

Meghan Lambert is an identity and web designer living and working in Southern Maine.



Artificial Christmas Trees