Artificial Christmas Trees

You don't want to take a gamble buying an artificial tree because you likely want one that is going to last you for years, look as close to real as possible and not cost you a fortune. I polled the group on best options and these were the clear favorites in the market!

You don't want to take a gamble buying an artificial tree because you likely want one that is going to last you for years, look as close to real as possible and not cost you a fortune. I polled the group on best options and these were the clear favorites in the market!

Costco: this was the number one recommendation and people made a point to say they look so real and last forever and come in several sizes

Balsam Hill: the top recommended brand for trees that are great quality and will last forever. They are also available on Amazon which is convenient.

National Tree Company: another really well known and good brand sold on Amazon. The difference I would say compared to Balsam Hill is in appearance and what you like more

Best Choice Flocked: if you are looking for a flocked tree, this one was specifically called out as a very affordable and good looking option!

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Meghan Lambert

Meghan Lambert is an identity and web designer living and working in Southern Maine.

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