
Curated collections of tried and true products for everyday living.

Baby Meggie Owsiak Baby Meggie Owsiak

C-Section Recovery Essentials

I had a planned C-Section with my third child due to placenta previa. I am not going to sugar coat that it was easy, but like anything the challenges of it seem so distant as time goes on. There were a handful of essentials that were a game changer for my comfort and healing in the first few weeks after delivery. While everyone has different experiences, these were the must have items for me that I would recommend and why!

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Cold Weather, Baby Meggie Owsiak Cold Weather, Baby Meggie Owsiak

Sick Kid Essentials

The season of sickness has arrived. It seems as though it starts earlier and earlier each Fall and can catch us by surprise. Having sick kids is so hard on a parent and the last thing you need on your plate is worrying about going out to buy the essentials to care for your kids. Beyond the medication and endless doses of Motrin, here are some essentials that can help make your children more comfortable when they aren't feeling their best and you equipped with the tools to help them.

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Baby Meggie Owsiak Baby Meggie Owsiak

Hospital Bag: What I am Packing

When it comes to packing my hospital bag for delivery, I am not an over packer. By the 3rd child, I feel like I really have this down and am trying to keep it simple. It is absolutely unnecessary that a rolling suitcase comes with you to the hospital in my opinion! Outside of this list don't forget basics like your toiletries, any favorite snacks, a pillow if you or your partner prefer one from home and finally the car seat! Here is my list of essentials I have packed and ready to go!

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