C-Section Recovery Essentials

I had a planned C-Section with my third child due to placenta previa. I am not going to sugar coat that it was easy, but like anything the challenges of it seem so distant as time goes on. There were a handful of essentials that were a game changer for my comfort and healing in the first few weeks after delivery. While everyone has different experiences, these were the must have items for me that I would recommend and why!

Outside of these products, I recommend staying on top of your pain management, for me that was religiously taking Ibuprofen and Tylenol every 3 hours. Give yourself grace, a c-section is a major surgery and I was truthfully taken back by the first few days at home and how limited my mobility was. Getting out of bed or off the couch was the most difficult - listen to your doctors and get as much help as possible with the baby, older siblings and yourself. I also recommend taking advantage of the 3 nights in the hospital. I only stayed 2 nights because the baby was ready to be discharged and I felt confident with it being my 3rd child. That first night at home for me was really hard in terms of my own healing needs and I would have taken one more night in the hospital being cared for if I did it again.

Another incredible resource is Expecting and Empowered. They are amazing for any pregnant or postpartum Mom, but I immediatley referenced all of their c-section story highlights and got their c-section recovery guide and box. You got this Mama!

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